Thank You Ink for Tomorrows!

Red Arbor Tattoo expresses deep gratitude to all who contributed to the success of our Mental Health Awareness Tattoo Event on May 18th. We extend special thanks to Tea SD, Encompass Mental Health, Apex Ink, Moon Rae Tattoo, Tea Storm Chasers, Dakota News, and the fantastic food trucks. The event saw an incredible turnout, highlighting our community's commitment to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

5/29/20241 min read

We at Red Arbor Tattoo would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made our Mental Health Awareness Tattoo Event on May 18th a tremendous success.

First and foremost, a huge thank you to Tea SD for hosting and supporting this meaningful event. Your collaboration and enthusiasm played a vital role in making this day special.

We are incredibly grateful to our friends at Encompass Mental Health. Your presence and resources provided invaluable support and information to our community, helping to raise awareness and understanding about mental health.

A big shout-out to Apex Ink and Moon Rae Tattoo for joining us and showcasing your incredible talent. Your participation and artistry were truly inspiring, and we are honored to have worked alongside you.

Thank you to Tea Storm Chasers for keeping everyone updated with real-time information and ensuring we were all prepared for the day's events. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.

Our gratitude also goes to Dakota News for covering the event and helping spread the word about the importance of mental health awareness. Your support amplifies our message and reaches a broader audience.

We also want to express our appreciation to the fantastic food trucks that came out and served delicious food, keeping everyone energized and satisfied throughout the day.

Lastly, we are thrilled to share that the turnout was beyond our expectations! The overwhelming support and participation from our community made this event truly memorable. Together, we have taken a significant step toward breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

Thank you once again to everyone involved. We look forward to more events like this in the future and continuing our mission to support mental health awareness.